In 2008 God gave me a burden to create an evangelism tool that would be engaging and understandable for young people in our increasingly postmodern world. God took me on an incredible journey to make Perspective Cards - a deck of cards that helps explore someone’s worldview, identify their barriers to faith in Christ, and effectively share the gospel. Since 2011 Cru has printed 55,000 copies in the U.S. alone. To learn more about Perspective visit
I also help our international ministries adapt the cards to their languages and cultures. To date, Perspective Cards is being used in Latvia, Italy, France, Romania, Netherland, Chile (and other Spanish speaking countries), Russia, Singapore, Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Taiwan, East Asia, Canada, Hong Kong, Lithuania, Albania, Portugal, South Africa, England and many more!
I estimate at least 250,000 spiritual and gospel conversations occurred using Perspective Cards last year. With the release of the free smartphone apps I believe this number will grow, especially as we add languages to the apps.
On the horizon for Perspective Cards:
Help many more countries adapt Perspective Cards for their language and culture.
Add multiple language capability to the iPhone and Android apps.
Improved and updated training videos
Perspective small group curriculum for people who are seeking.
A detailed plan for reproducing effective campus wide Perspective outreaches.
A chat feature for website.
Training Video: How To Get Started with Perspective Cards
I created a series of training videos for Perspective. They have even been subtitled into the language of a very large country in Asia.